Knock-down price with free delivery.
This is how they arrive: all at once in individual packages, individually posted.
And they’re still making money from us.
Woke up this mornin’
My water was brown
This was quite disturbing
So I went to the water company’s website and it had very little useful information to indicate whether it was safe for me to drink it or not.
[Da na nah na nah]
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Free arcade / RPG space game with roguelike tendencies
Following the discovery of Spelunky, I’ve found another fun, free game with a roguelike randomness to its design: Transcendence, by a guy called George Moromisato. This one’s been around for ages, it seems. Set in space, it provides a unique game universe to explore every time you start a new game.
A free roguelike platform game with snakes, spikes, traps and other evil.
Spelunky is a game of cave exploration (the clue’s in the name). You play a familiar whip-wielding, hat-wearing explorer character who has to delve deeper and deeper into increasingly dangerous caves in search of loot and secrets.